"ACCESS DENIED" xp home can't open some files on xp pro.
I've setup a home network between 2 computers, XP Pro and XP Home. The Printer (attached to XP Pro) and the Initial Shared folders in C:\Document and settings\All Users\Shared Documents are working, allowing access from both machines. The Problem is; when I try to share a folder on Drive D: or E: on the XP Pro machine the folder can be seen on the XP Home machine but receives the dreaded permission error message "access denied". The same folder & contents are visable on XP Home when dragged to the XP Pro "shared documents folder" on drive c:. Going the other direction from XP Pro to XP home everything works fine.I've check all the standard problem areas, firewall, user accounts and passwords, group name, etc.1 person needs an answerI do too
November 17th, 2010 1:19pm

Sorry it seems that the problem is on both machines now. the only folders that can be opened are the shared document folder that came on the machines.
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November 17th, 2010 2:42pm

I have discovered what the problem is. It's the "WINDOWS CRITICAL UPDATE'S". I created a clean install for both the xp pro and xp home system loading only Service pack 3 and Internet explorer 7. Everything works perfectly now as it should. I suppose that I will have to load the 80 plus critical updates one at a time to discover which ones screw up networking since the explanations of the updates are generic bs and don't really say what operating system feature they impact. Thanks again Microsoft for keeping us in the dark.I had an epiphany. I realized that the purpose of the security updates has been to protect corporate clients from internal threats (insert "employees" here) so that it requires a decated IT professional to get file sharing and networking to work after the updates have been loaded.
November 20th, 2010 10:30am

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